Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Joint pain is not a simple physical condition to deal with. The symptoms of this condition can range from being uncomfortable to extremely painful and unbearable.  If the cause is degenerative it changes patients’ lives considering that it is irreversible. Patients can only delay its progression, minimize the extent of the damage, and reduce its symptoms. Science is aware of many types of joint problems, and they affect men and women equally. Sadly, some kinds of this malady can affect children as well.  While many medications and treatments are available to treat it, most of these solutions are quite expensive.

Symptoms of Joint Conditions

Symptoms can range from irritating to painful to making daily tasks, such as walking and other things requiring movement, impossible to accomplish.  The most common symptoms include joint inflammation followed by extreme pain, hardening or stiffness of the joints, and in worst cases difficulty in movement.  Even seemingly unrelated conditions, like fatigue, irritability, or psychological stress, and even constipation, can be symptoms of joint problems, too. While there is no definite treatment to cure joint conditions as of yet, there are medications available that minimize the unbearable symptoms such as painful joints. The great thing is that some common home items or products, usually found in the kitchen, can be used to minimize the symptoms. Some medical experts question the validity and efficiency of these home products in minimizing such symptoms, but patients who have already tried them can testify in their favor.

Home Remedies

Some of the few home remedies that help in reducing the stress of joint conditions, appear below:Immediate Remedies Available At Home To Minimize The Effects Of Joint Conditions

  • To reduce or eliminate joint inflammation as well as pain, take two teaspoons of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar with two teaspoons of honey, mixed in a cup of warm water as a tonic drink once or twice a day.
  • Rub warm vinegar into the painful joint area to soothe inflammation and relax the muscle groups in the surrounding areas.
  • Drink a cup or two of alfalfa tea daily to delay the progression of joint pain.
  • Drink a half teaspoon of turmeric power (dried yellow ginger) in warm water as a tonic to reduce the inflammation of joints and prevent infection. Turmeric has antioxidant properties.
  • Drink at least two teaspoons daily of fresh juice of balboa leaf before eating to reduce the rate of progression of the disorder in just a month or two.
  • Munch on a clove of garlic every other day to reduce the speed of joint pain progression and improve joint conditions.
  • Eat two to three servings of walnuts or coconut before filling the stomach with any food to reduce the symptoms.

Immediate Remedies Available At Home To Minimize The Effects Of Joint ConditionsThese are just few of the many home remedies you can use to treat the symptoms of joint problems, particularly the pain.
Besides these quick and easy home ideas, you can soak affected parts in a warm Epsom bath while massaging and moderately moving the joints.
This can minimize the pain of inflammation as well as prevent the hardening of the joints.
A warm bath helps improve circulation, which in turn, can also help reduce the inflammation and swelling.

Healthy Diet and Exercise

By following a healthy diet and lifestyle you can greatly help to prevent or even to reduce the risk of developing joint issues.  For example, eating foods rich in uric acid definitely causes joint problems since the uric acid is stored in the joint areas that cause the damage, making the problem develop faster.  If the condition is already present, eating such food will only worsen the condition, and speed up the progression of the joint damages  A healthy diet means eating more natural foods such as fruits and vegetables without compromising the other food groups. This way the body can seal in its necessary nourishment.
Immediate Remedies Available At Home To Minimize The Effects Of Joint Conditions
Do simple exercises to reduce the appearance of symptoms and prevent further damage.  Such exercising doesn’t require going to the gym to join an aerobics class. Simple walking inside the house or around the neighborhood is enough, combined with stretching and mild cardio exercises. This also promotes weight loss. With excessive weight, “wear and tear” can occur. Keep an ideal weight to ensure healthier joints and bones.
Most people suffering from joint pain choose to go for natural or home remedies instead of using prescription drugs or medicines. These are less complicated and more economical.  They are available in the comfort of a patient’s home anytime the patient needs them.  Home remedies also do not have any side effects!  Even history itself testifies how effective and easy home remedies are in offering convenient and quick solutions to any physical condition. Ancient civilizations have recorded the use of herbs, spices, and oils in treating maladies!  There is no reason why you shouldn’t  try them, too!
For patients more familiar with natural treatments, home remedies can greatly help. These patients should have no problems finding the right things in their kitchens to help them keep symptoms away.
But for patients just starting or considering the use of natural or home remedies, search alternative medicine books from the library, or in the bookstores, or even over the Internet.  Seeking advise from a nutritionist can also help with natural treatments. Even with all this information, always consult with a medical professional or a doctor. Even with the right diagnosis, doctors are still the best people to talk to when it comes to finding solutions and treatments for joint problems.

Common Joint Inflammation Treatments

Common Treatments for Joint Inflammation

There are many reasons why a joint can be inflamed. Symptoms appear as a result of many physical problems including physical trauma, damage, infection, nutrient deficiency, or unnecessary chemical deposits.
The Common Treatment For Inflammation Of The JointIt is very important to properly diagnose the main reason for joint inflammation in order to prevent further damage that can extend to the muscles or tissues surrounding the joint area.  Accurate diagnosis is critical in finding the right treatment that minimizes the uncomfortable symptoms or effects of the joint condition.

Basic Treatment for Joint Pain

The most basic treatment usually given for joint pain is hot or cold compresses, anti-inflammatory solutions or medications, and topical creams.  The hot compress helps improve blood circulation to the joint and the surrounding area, which makes the inflammation subside. The cold compress, on rare occasions, is given to patients as an external pain reliever when the redness or heat increases in the joint area, which caused the pain.
Topical creams and anti-inflammatory solutions are administered to reduce inflammation, both externally and internally.  Though these immediate treatments are available, it is still important to consult a doctor because joint pain can also be symptomatic of other problems.

On the other hand, joint degeneration or auto-immune conditions affecting joints are the most common reason for joint pain

The Common Treatment For Inflammation Of The JointDegeneration gradually damages the cartilage and causes connecting bones to rub together. This produces unbearable pain to the patient and serious inflammation to the joints’ surrounding areas. The condition can even lead to complications such as infection if left untreated.
The auto-immune condition affecting joints is even more serious because it can totally immobilize the patient or make simple movements impossible.  It is a condition where the immune system attacks the healthy and well functioning cells in the joint area and muscle groups in the surrounding area.  The pain it can give to the patient is unbearable and in worst cases it can even be fatal.

Preventing the Development of Gout

Another type of joint condition causing inflammation to the joint is gout.  Joint pain and inflammation are just two of the symptoms of gout, caused by high levels of uric acid deposits in the joint and surrounding area.  Symptoms usually start in the big toe, but they also can appear in other lower body parts and can last for days or even weeks.
The Common Treatment For Inflammation Of The JointThe best way to prevent gout is by avoiding foods high in uric acid as well frequent exercise. Anti-inflammatory drugs are usually given to lessen symptoms if the condition is already present. If symptoms do not subside after a series of medication and treatment, consult with a specialist to determine other treatments. Also consider further diagnostic procedures to determine if there is an underlying condition triggering symptoms.
Inflammation of the joint, as mentioned above, can be caused by other illnesses as well, so always seek medical attention immediately to get the right diagnosis and applicable treatments.  When treating joint conditions, medicine follows a progression of treatments, beginning with lifestyle modification, medication, and surgical procedures for extreme or worse cases. Yet most of the time, medication and changes in lifestyle are enough to minimize the effects of joint conditions and delay their progression.

Joint Pain And An Active Lifestyle

Keeping Active with Joint Pain

It is a common misconception that people who suffer from joint pain must minimize their movement in order to reduce the stress or symptoms of joint conditions. This is not always the case.  In fact, some physical therapy exercises can help in the healing process and minimize the effects. Keeping an active lifestyle can also help, whether the joint pain is because of cartilage damage, or an autoimmune condition. Studies show that rehabilitating exercises, especially when done properly, can help maintain the range of motion of the joints, reduce the painful sensation, and help the person maintain a normal and active lifestyle.
In some cases, patients may need some physical therapy before they can engage in normal physical activities. Patients who have undergone such therapies attest that they have noticed improvements in their condition, particularly in their motion capacity. This is especially true for those suffering from degenerative joint problems. Patients also noted that pains also subsided after they have implemented some tips and suggestions from self-help write-ups.  Further research noted that water exercises helped people suffering from inflammation, particularly the elderly ages 60 and up, where the pain was reduced and improved their motion.

Simple Exercises are Needed

Mobility and agility or strength training has been noted to be helpful for those suffering from joint pain. But sufferers should particularly follow a specific type of strength training ,which includes balance and endurance. These exercises can help reduce the inflammation of the joint and its surrounding area.

Some other easy activities like swimming, bicycling, walking, or even yoga can also help reduce pain in the knee area.

Patients Suffering From Joint Pain Can Still Have Active LifestylePatients suffering from joint pain can really benefit from physical or rehabilitation therapy. These treatments include preparatory massages that minimize the pain and inflammation of joint conditions. Physical therapy helps improve the range of motion.
In some cases, movement therapies must be guided by the physical therapist in order to get the maximum healing effects and get the joints back to their normal, or at least improved range of motion. Such a therapy may also include heating modalities like infrared, hot compress, UVB or ultraviolet beta rays, and ultrasound. Faradic electrical stimulation often reduces pain in the joint area.

Aim for a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

Still another suggestion to reduce joint pain from joint conditions is to lose weight.  Overweight or obesity can put too much stress on the joints, especially in the lower extremities. This causes in the long run “wear and tear”.  According to some studies, a weight loss of at least eleven pounds can significantly reduce the risk of developing symptoms of or even more serious joint conditions themselves.  Weight loss can simply be achieved by following a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Pain in the joint is not an easy thing to deal, particularly when it forces changes to the lives of the patients, resulting in psychological stress. Avoid severe complications with the right diagnosis at an early stage where treatments and solutions will not be limited.

Joint Pain: Knowing The The Possible Causes

What Causes Joint Pain?

Pain in the joints is not just uncomfortable, but also can be unbearably painful, and can even alter your way of living. The pain and other conditions, such as hardening or stiffening of the joints, can cause difficulty with even simple movements. The joint’s condition not only affects the patient physically, but can also cause some psychological stress as well. Contrary to popular belief, joint pain is not only caused by joint degeneration. Other physical conditions or maladies may also trigger symptoms.
The most common joint disorders damage the joints and even the surrounding areas. They can develop from aging, malnutrition, untreated physical trauma or even genetics. Although common they are often irreversible with symptoms ranging from mild to moderate to severe.  In worst cases they can even contribute to the death of the patient due to complications involving major organs.

Other Causes of Joint Pain

On the other hand, an infection followed by swelling or inflammation, can also cause joint pain.  Having joint pain does not automatically mean that the person is suffering from a joint disorder. Consider that humans have upwards of 250 joints and it is only normal to experience some joint pain, especially after physically stressful activity. In fact, a simple pain reliever or anti-inflammatory drugs available over the counter in any pharmacy can resolve most of these joint complaints.
Joint Pain: Knowing The Condition And The Possible CausesPhysical trauma such as “wear and tear” to the joints can also cause joint-problem symptoms.  Pressure on the joints can cause damage, which normally swells or gets inflamed.  Athletes or those involved in physical work such as construction can routinely experience this type of joint trauma.
The inflammation or swelling of the joints causes pain, too.  Any joints that continuously receive pressure from excessive weight or from constant movement and activities, can cause “wear and tear” or injury to the joints that can lead to infection.
Treating the inflammation usually reduces the pain as well since that is the usual reason for the pain.  Many types of anti-inflammatory medications in the market or pharmacy are available over the counter.
Joint pain can also appear when people use their muscles or joints all the time, without rest.  For example, gym goers usually experience these symptoms after undergoing serious workout or exercises. This is due to the pressure applied to the muscles and the joints. Warm bath or steaming can relax the muscles and reduce the pain in the joint area. In some cases, a cold compress resolves the joint pain problem, especially when caused by an injury.

As mentioned above, pain in the joints can be very uncomfortable and it can immobilize a person from doing even the simplest daily activities; this usually causes mental or psychological stress to the patient, and even can cause the pain to worsen.

Dealing and Finding Solutions

Since there is no cure for the most common joint conditions, the next best solution is to deal with the symptoms. With a degenerative joint condition, patients often joint pain during the first part of the day but it subsides with movement during the day. Simple exercises can help alleviate joint pain and prevent joint hardening. This improves both the range and motion of the joints when a joint disorder is already present.
There are times when pain in the joints comes from lack of movement. That is why it is important for patients with joint pain, even for those without a diagnosis of one of the common joint conditions, to engage their joints in some gentle stretching, achieved by walking or jogging.  Even the simplest exercises help improve elasticity and increase the lubrication of the joints and the muscles that support that area, as well as promote the healing process if there is damage in the joints.
For those who feel frequent joint pain, this may be a sign that a doctor’s intervention is already necessary. Recurrent joint pain can be a sign of a condition triggering it.  Early detection is important in order to effectively delay the progression of many joint conditions, enabling doctors to offer a better range of treatments and medications to minimize the symptoms.

The Types Of Common Joint Conditions

The Most Common Types of Joint Disorders

Many conditions affect the joints. A common misconception about joint problems is that it only affects people in their senior years. Yet this is not always the case. They can also affect young people. In the United Kingdom alone, at least nine million people suffer from one form or another of this malady. The medical field recognizes many variants of this condition, more than a hundred of them, with two types occurring most common. Below we discuss these two types.

The Most Prevalent: Degenerative Cartilage

The most common joint condition is a progressive disorder in which the cartilage protecting bones and joints breaks down. It is non-reversible and can only be delayed if it is already present. When struck with this condition the cartilage is no longer capable of keeping adjacent bones from rubbing together. The cartilage thins and degerates.
When the cartilage no longer functions well, the friction of the two connecting bones creates pain, at levels that vary from uncomfortable to unbearable and that can extend to the extremities.
This malady is common in men and women over the age of 50. Most people regard this physical condition as a senior’s issue but other factors may affect its development, including past physical trauma or genetic predisposition.
The following are some of the indications that it is already present:

  • Pain in the joint area
  • Swelling in the joint area
  • Stiffness
  • Limited movement

Common symptoms appear in the morning or at night or during the cold season, but these symptoms often decrease as the day progresses. This is the reason why most people don’t really give it much thought, until the condition worsens.

The Runner-Up: An Autoimmune Betrayal

The second most common joint condition is another progressive / degenerative type, but this type can affect any age group and can damage the entire joint and the surrounding area. It is an auto-immune defect where the body’s immune system attacks the joints and tissues, most often of the hands and feet.
The symptoms of this disorder are similar to the degenerative type discussed above, but symptoms occur and recur anytime of the day.  The latter stages of the disorder cause deformity of the joints affected.

The Effects of Joint Conditions

Joint maladies can greatly affect the life of the people affected by them making simple daily tasks difficult and, for some, impossible. The subsequent frustration can trigger psychological effects in the victim, including a sense of depression.
Although these conditions are very rarely fatal, a person suffering from them needs support to minimize the stress that the physical changes can bring. Friends and family members of the patient need to help the victim feel that everyone understands his or her condition, acknowledging that it is a real and debilitating issue. This can at least contribute to relieving the psychological pressure. Support groups are also available in some areas or even over the Internet.

The Types Of Common Joint ConditionsTreatments

There are ways to minimize the symptoms of joint conditions including physical therapy, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, diet and exercise. Most often, treatments that are available on the market take care of the symptoms. More severe cases may require surgical procedures such as joint replacement and joint fusion.
Currently, science is still not able to offer  any medication that can eliminate joint disorders but only suggestions that help in minimizing the risks of developing them. One such example is maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. It is best to get a check-up to see if you suspect you have symptoms of a joint condition.