The Role Of Obesity In Joint Problems

The Relationship between Obesity & Joint Problems

Recently, obesity has become a global epidemic, as more people are being classified as obese. It’s a known fact that going over the ideal body weight (depending on the person’s Body Mass Index or BMI) or being obese causes several health issues, which can become serious. The most common complications from obesity are the problems to the joints. Most people suffering from obesity experience joint pain. Excessive weight increases the risk of developing joint problems. The most likely affected parts of the body exist wherever the weight is distributed like the ankles, hips, and knees.  This is just one of the reasons why it is important to keep an ideal weight.
Excessive weight brings so much stress to the joints that it soon causes damage, starting by blocking the normal blood flow to joints. This triggers, in kind, joint conditions and other medical complications. Joint problems can be defined in terms of inflammation, level of tenderness, and redness.  All these symptoms appear based on the extent of damage to the joints.
Joint damage, which may lead to joint maladies, whenever not caused by hereditary reasons or genetically inclined factors, will be usually caused by obesity or excessive weight.  If you feel some tenderness or pain in the joints, seek an immediate medical check up in order to determine its cause and possible remedy as well as to minimize its physical manifestations.

Obesity Increases the Risk of Joint Problems

The Role Of Obesity  & Joint ProblemsSeveral studies prove that obesity increases the risk of developing joint issues compared to those who have normal weight and a healthy body. In line with this fact, records show that knee and hip replacement procedures, administered to patients, have increased because of the global obesity epidemic.
Most of the time, surgeons perform a hip or knee replacement as treatment on older patients who suffered from physical trauma or from conditions that damaged the bones and joints. But because of the increase in the number of people with obesity, surgeons are now operating more on people suffering from obesity. Records even show that more than half of the percentage of those people who have undergone hip and knee replacement are suffering from obesity.

Healthy Lifestyle and Diet

Keeping a healthy lifestyle and diet is important since this greatly improves the overall condition of the body as well as minimizes the chance or risk of developing joint problems later on. A study suggests weight loss of as little as eleven pounds is enough to reverse the risk of certain types of joint problems in women.
The Role Of Obesity & Joint Problems
There are many easy ways to lose weight safely and effectively. Choose a change in your daily menu or diet, or develop a better and healthy lifestyle that includes daily exercises not extremely and physically stressful.
Reinforcing or strengthening the body, particularly the bones, muscles, and joints is very important. You can achieve this with daily simply exercises or activities such as walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, hiking, biking, and even weight lifting.
If you are overweight or obese, seek advise from a medical professional or a doctor before making lifestyle changes or changes in your routine. Know that some things can potentially worsen your condition. With obesity, the change must be gradual and body adjustment is important to avoid physical shock and stress. Keep in mind that working out or exercising is really good for the body, but it can do some damage as well if not done without professional advise.

Alternative Treatments For Joint Problems

Alternative Treatments for Joint Problems

Those with joint problems have an extremely painful experience. This condition affects the joints bringing painful movements to any part of the body, specifically the hands, legs, or waist areas. And it is one of those conditions for which physicians and scientists have not found a cure. However, the symptoms of joint conditions experienced by patients, can be prevented and cured.
Alternative Treatments For Joint ProblemsCurrently, there are various treatment methods that lessen the gravity of this condition, but you still need to become familiar with the effects of these treatments so your can target specific symptoms. Some patients prefer to take traditional treatments and medications, while others prefer not to take risks and seek modern medicine instead.
A patient who experiences the symptoms of joint conditions must comprehend the role of proper diet and daily exercise in controlling arthritic symptoms. Whether the patient takes traditional or modern treatment, diet and exercise are equally recommended.
Many herbs present in the environment are helpful in the prevention of symptoms of joint problems. These herbs are natural forms of treatment that do not put the life of a person at risk. Before modern treatments became popular, herbal remedies and natural oils, among others, were used due for their efficacy. Some doctors, who still utilize natural and herbal treatments, support the usage of these treatments.  In fact, some studies show better improvements in patients who take the natural treatment over those who take modern treatments.

Glucosamine for Joint Pain

Glucosamine is a monoamine chemical, which creates an anti-inflammatory effect for those who have joint issues. Glucosamine is also found to have little or no side effects at all. Rare cases have been recorded of severe side effects of glucosamine. Some medical and healthcare practitioners claim that glucosamine is proven to be a more effective anti-inflammatory drug than over-the-counter and prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.
Alternative Treatments For Joint ProblemsOther natural remedies used to relieve joint pain are apple cider vinegar, turmeric, ginger, honey, and cinnamon. Apple cider vinegar can be taken either orally, as a rubbing medium, or as a compress. The other four natural remedies were also proven to be very good at alleviating the pain that patients experienced.
Those with joint issues may also try taking other alternative treatments such as: shark cartilages, magnetic bracelets, paraffin wax and copper treatments. Currently, there is a wide variety of treatments from which those who suffer from this condition can choose, whether natural, herbal, modern or alternative treatments.
Other physicians may also recommend seeking help from chiropractors or acupuncturists. Chiropractic and acupuncture therapies have also been found to elicit positive results for those who have this condition.
The effects of joint problems vary from person to person. Because of this, the effects of treatments will certainly vary from person to person. In other words, a treatment successful for one may person may have a different effect on others.
There is continuous popularity for the use of natural, home remedies, and alternative therapies in treating joint issues. This growing popularity is rooted in the good effects that these kinds of remedies give to their users. These remedies also have little or no side effects. So patients seek these remedies because they also do not want to acquire other conditions.

Reliable Source of Information for Joint Problems

If you have joint problems and you agree with the premise above, then seek alternative treatments. Information regarding these alternative treatments can be found all-over the internet, in local clinics, and in books. You just have to be critical with regards to the reliability of the information that you get.
Lastly, before you start changing your treatment plan, seek consultation with you medical doctor. With their opinion, you can get the best treatment plan that prevents the symptoms associated with joint problems and maintains the best conditions in the body.

The Truth And Hearsays About Joint Pain

Truth and Myths about Joint Pain

Many things are a mix up of fact and myth. People need to consider this truism when it comes to joint conditions. It you suffer from this condition know how to segregate the information between truth and hearsay.
The Truth And Hearsays About Joint PainMany people self-diagnose joint conditions if they are feeling some pain in the joint area. Some people may decide to move to a place with a warmer climate in order to minimize the pain brought by this malady. Do these ideas really help?  Do they have a scientific basis?  These are just a few of the most common things people hear as a suggestion when it comes to joint pain.

Joint Pain is Not Always a Joint Condition

Know that some other conditions may cause joint pain. Joint pain does not automatically mean a serious problem is already present. Medicine has identified at least a hundred types of this condition, classified from mild to moderate to severe.
Joint pain can result from previous physical trauma that left some damage to the tissues, muscles, and tendon. It can also be a condition called bursitis. No matter what the condition is, seek a medical check up for the correct diagnosis. Sometimes, you can move to a place with warmer weather or climate to help minimize the effects of some joint issues. This idea is related to the basic pain treatment of warm compresses applied on tender or painful areas to increase blood flow. A warm environment can also give the same general effect. However, some types of problems and pain can increase with high temperature and low pressure from the environment. This is usually observed before a climate disturbance like a storm hits the area. Before moving to another place make some observations first.
The Truth And Hearsays About Joint PainMost people think that moving a lot or doing some exercise worsens the joint pain caused by joint conditions; this is not true.  In fact exercises can help repair or rehabilitate the joint’s elasticity and overall condition since it can prevent hardening or stiffening of the joints.
Exercises also promote healing to the damaged joints brought about by past physical traumas or any related illnesses.
A simple thirty minutes of a recommended workout minimizes the pain in the joint area. But, doing too much exercise or movement may increase the pain or worsen the condition. Take it from the cliché:  “Too much of a good thing” is not beneficial. Better to seek advise from a medical professional before following a daily exercise.
Another myth is that stretching or popping of the knuckles can contribute to the development of joint problems. Again this is not true. The popping sound is created when nitrogen gas stored in the spaces of the joint area is released. There is no scientific proof that says that it can cause joint issues.
The Truth And Hearsays About Joint PainOne thing is for sure, following a healthy lifestyle definitely reduces the risk of developing joint complications and minimizes the symptoms, such as joint pain.
The logic behind the idea is simply, a healthy diet keeps weight proportionate, and appropriate weight will not cause pressure or physical stress on the joints, especially on the body area where the weight is usually distributed.

 Another related thing is that through proper diet the body receives the right nutrition from healthy food, unlike those foods that are not recommended, whose content of sodium or salt can worsen joint conditions or increase the risk of developing them.

Seek Professional Medical Advice

These are just a few of the many things people need to know to identify between reality and hearsay. Remember that joint pain and its unbearable symptoms can be prevented, can be treated, and can even be cured, depending on the severity of the condition.  Medical specialists or professionals have the answers. That is why there is no need to self medicate or self diagnose.

Joint Pain And An Active Lifestyle

Keeping Active with Joint Pain

It is a common misconception that people who suffer from joint pain must minimize their movement in order to reduce the stress or symptoms of joint conditions. This is not always the case.  In fact, some physical therapy exercises can help in the healing process and minimize the effects. Keeping an active lifestyle can also help, whether the joint pain is because of cartilage damage, or an autoimmune condition. Studies show that rehabilitating exercises, especially when done properly, can help maintain the range of motion of the joints, reduce the painful sensation, and help the person maintain a normal and active lifestyle.
In some cases, patients may need some physical therapy before they can engage in normal physical activities. Patients who have undergone such therapies attest that they have noticed improvements in their condition, particularly in their motion capacity. This is especially true for those suffering from degenerative joint problems. Patients also noted that pains also subsided after they have implemented some tips and suggestions from self-help write-ups.  Further research noted that water exercises helped people suffering from inflammation, particularly the elderly ages 60 and up, where the pain was reduced and improved their motion.

Simple Exercises are Needed

Mobility and agility or strength training has been noted to be helpful for those suffering from joint pain. But sufferers should particularly follow a specific type of strength training ,which includes balance and endurance. These exercises can help reduce the inflammation of the joint and its surrounding area.

Some other easy activities like swimming, bicycling, walking, or even yoga can also help reduce pain in the knee area.

Patients Suffering From Joint Pain Can Still Have Active LifestylePatients suffering from joint pain can really benefit from physical or rehabilitation therapy. These treatments include preparatory massages that minimize the pain and inflammation of joint conditions. Physical therapy helps improve the range of motion.
In some cases, movement therapies must be guided by the physical therapist in order to get the maximum healing effects and get the joints back to their normal, or at least improved range of motion. Such a therapy may also include heating modalities like infrared, hot compress, UVB or ultraviolet beta rays, and ultrasound. Faradic electrical stimulation often reduces pain in the joint area.

Aim for a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

Still another suggestion to reduce joint pain from joint conditions is to lose weight.  Overweight or obesity can put too much stress on the joints, especially in the lower extremities. This causes in the long run “wear and tear”.  According to some studies, a weight loss of at least eleven pounds can significantly reduce the risk of developing symptoms of or even more serious joint conditions themselves.  Weight loss can simply be achieved by following a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Pain in the joint is not an easy thing to deal, particularly when it forces changes to the lives of the patients, resulting in psychological stress. Avoid severe complications with the right diagnosis at an early stage where treatments and solutions will not be limited.

Relieving Joint Problems by Swimming

Treat Joint Problems by Swimming

Many people have had fun swimming with friends and family. It is a very relaxing activity, and you cannot deny the fact that swimming is something that takes away stress, even if just for a short time. But not everyone knows that swimming benefits the body, too. People in some countries with very cold weather dip in a warm pool or spring to help them balance or increase their body temperature and to fight the freezing weather.
Relieving Joint Problems by SwimmingIn the field of medicine, a warm bath or swimming in a warm pool is considered beneficial, especially for the elderly and those who suffer from muscle and joint pain.
The warm water helps reduce the pain in the joint as well as its inflammation, the usual cause of pain. Swimming is also used in medicine for physical and/or rehabilitation therapy.
Swimming increases the muscles’ endurance and strength, while improving the range of motion of the joints.
When the joint condition is already present, swimming reduces joint damage due to injury or joint problems.

Swimming Therapy for Joint Problems

When using a warm bath treatment, doing a specific stroke is not necessary. What matters most is that the body part affected by the joint pain or damage soaks in the water to increase its blood flow. This relaxes the tension in the muscles and reduces inflammation to the joint area. Doing some simple movements like walking or even just stretching while dipping in the warm water is good enough to promote healing, especially in the common parts where joint pain can concentrate like the hip, knee, and ankle.

Swimming Exercises for Joint Pain

Relieving Joint Problems by SwimmingA typically good example of an exercise is where the head remains on the surface of the warm water while everything else is submerged, moving the arms and the wrist in a circular and crossing motion. This improves the joint conditions in the upper body parts, especially the hands and arms. Walking around the warm pool will then improve the joint condition of the hip joints, legs, and feet.
Those who suffer from joint damage can experience uncomfortable symptoms like joint pain, joint stiffening, or hardening.  This hinders patients from normal movement, not to mention doing simple and basic exercises.
However, doing the exercises in the water reduces the gravity and the weight of patients making it easier for them to move, while simultaneously, the high water temperature reduces the inflammation and pain in the joint and muscles.
Basic swimming strokes recommended by most physical therapists and specialists that promote healing of the joint damage and reduce the symptoms of joint conditions include the following:
The dog-paddle stroke strengthens the arms and legs.  This swimming style requires swimmers to kick to move forward, while paddling the hands and arms under the water to keep afloat.
In contrast, the crawl, another swimming style similar to the doggie paddle, keeps swimmers afloat by paddling only the hands under the water to make forward movement as well.
Relieving Joint Problems by SwimmingPatients must be careful though because there are some swimming styles or strokes that can damage or harm joints, especially if not done properly. For instance, the breast stroke is a very stressful swimming style that can bring intense pressure to the joint area and muscles in the body parts involved in doing it, especially for those not used to swimming. Going for a warm soak or swim can be really helpful for those trying to reduce the symptoms of joint conditions or for those suffering from joint damage caused by injuries. But it is always best to get advise and consult with a medical expert or specialist before doing any exercises, whether or not it involves swimming.  Experts can also inform patients about certain details concerning safety as well as all other relevant information about swimming exercises, such as the pros and cons.