How Exercise And Diet Affect Joint Disorders

Managing Joint Conditions with Diet & Exercise

The field of medicine has identified at least a hundred types of joint conditions. Note these are just those that have been observed; there may be others not yet detected.  While  it is true that diagnosing joint problems is often straightforward (although even that is not always true) determining the main cause is more complicated, since many things can cause them to develop. Nevertheless, all types of joint conditions yield common symptoms and similarly effect the body.
How Exercise And Diet Affect Joint DisordersJoint problems can damage the muscles, tissues and bones in the joint area. The good news is that there are some basic things you can do to delay the progression, minimize the damage and symptoms, and even avoid or prevent many joint maladies from developing. There are hundreds or even thousands of medications and supplements on the market today that can offer relief from joint-problem symptoms and damage. Still, a proper, healthy diet coupled with daily exercise is the best and simplest method to prevent and resolve the symptoms of joint conditions. Your diet will often dictate what your overall health condition will be.
Your body needs daily nourishment, and it is a lifetime task to fulfill this need.  The only way our body can get nourished is by eating well.

A Healthy Diet can Help Push Joint Disorders Away

Some food options can truly help strengthen the body, while others will aid its destruction. Saturated fats, glucose, or sugar, and red meat, while a normal daily diet for many, especially for those not under a modified diet, are not inherently bad. But too much of these foods can definitely contribute to the development of joint problems sooner or later.  On the other hand, healthier food selections like vegetables, fruits, root crops, especially ginger, and whole grains can help push them away.
Another matter in eating is that too much of anything is not beneficial, even if the food itself is healthy.  Moderate your eating to a healthy rhythm.  Overeating causes fats to develop that settle in the body, thus, the body gains excess weight. And being overweight is one of the reasons joints become damaged and problems develop, especially in the lower parts of the body where the weight is distributed.

Promoting Health through Daily Exercise

Joint problems can cause major changes in a person’s life since they can make even the simplest body movements difficult, painful and sometimes impossible to do.
This is the same reason most people think that doing exercise is not going to be helpful and can further damage the joints and bones if a joint disorder is present. That is certainly not true! Most doctors recommend daily simple exercises as a form of physical rehabilitation therapy for those suffering from these issues as well as for those at risk of developing them. Exercises can help the body improve its range of motion, especially in the joint areas where joint damage is prevalent.

Many exercises help the body shape up, and some of them are even beneficial to those suffering from joint problems.  Doing daily exercises helps the muscles, joints, and bones by developing endurance and elasticity.
Additionally, exercises help with body weight, an overabundance of which is one of the main causes in the development of joint issues. Yet such exercise does not have to be extreme, especially if the person is suffering from a more accute joint syndrome. In fact, those exercises requiring basic movement are better like stretching, walking, and jogging.
It is obvious that diet and exercise play a big role in every person’s health, especially a role in preventing joint conditions from developing. Nevertheless, consult a doctor or medical professional to check your overall body health before starting a diet and exercise program. The health professional can determine which diet and exercise path will cater to your body’s needs.

Country Life Arthro-Joint Review

Nutritional supplements can be very useful for sustaining joint health, and taking them can help you lead a normal life, even as you age. Your joints, unfortunately, are hit hard during later years, because the cartilage becomes more brittle, and you cannot move around with ease, as you used to. Country Life Arthro-Joint & Muscle Relief Factors® is a health supplement created for providing joints, membranes, tendons, bones and cartilage with key ingredients that delay aging, or repair them. Pain relief is one of the benefits offered by this supplement. Since its composition recommends it, we decided to take a closer look at Country Life Arthro-Joint & Muscle Relief Factors®.

What Does Country Life Arthro-Joint Contain?

The list of ingredients for Country Life Arthro-Joint & Muscle Relief Factors® looks as follows:

  • Vitamin C – 50 mg
  • Vitamin E – 25 IU
  • Manganese – 5 mg
  • Boswellia Serrata Extract – 500 mg
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate – 400 mg
  • Glucosamine – 325 mg
  • Chondroitin Sulfate – 200 mg
  • Poly-NAG – 50 mg
  • Green Lipped Mussel Extract – 50 mg
  • CMO – 50 mg
  • Gamma-Linolenic Acid – 50 mg
  • Boron – 1.5 mg

The product reviewed here contains glucosamine and chondroitin, two important ingredients for joint health. However, we see no sign of MSM or hyaluronic acid, both being necessary for a complete formula. The product does contain some of the best herbal remedies, like boswellia serrata, and omega-3, but, otherwise, we cannot see Country Life Arthro-Joint & Muscle Relief Factors® as a complete formula for healthy joints.


You need to take three capsules daily in order to get the desired effects.


The listing price for a bottle with 60 soft gels is 28.99USD. Since one bottle can last for 20 days, we can safely say that this product is decently priced and in the same range with others.

Country Life Arthro-Joint Guarantee

The official website of the manufacturer is scarce in such information. Since it looks like Country Life Arthro-Joint & Muscle Relief Factors® is mainly sold through resellers, you may have to contact them to get a refund, in case you are unsatisfied with the product.


Country Life Arthro-Joint & Muscle Relief Factors® is a joint health supplement based on a few important ingredients for relieving pain, reducing inflammation and promoting cartilage repair. From this point of view, it is a good product, and the fact that it also includes well known herbal extracts, traditionally used for joint treatment is a plus. However, the formula looks far from being complete, and there is no clear guarantee offered.
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Trusted Nutrients® Advanced Joint Support Review

Advanced Joint Support supplement is designed for people suffering from joint pain. Trusted Nutrients goals as outlined in the product source are simple; to help reduce user inflammation, ease pain, and promote the growth of healthy cartilage and ligaments. In order to accomplish this, Trusted Nutrients has combined the best natural ingredient that doctors recommend to relieve joint pain. These ingredients include chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, MSM, and turmeric to promote joint health, increase bone strength, support collagen formation, build cartilage, and improve ligament resilience.


The product source provides little information about the product’s content except to say that it contains chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, MSM and turmeric as mentioned in the description. Specific amounts contained  in the product of each ingredient are not provided in the product source.


2 capsules daily.


$24.00 for a 180 capsule container (90 day supply) with free shipping.


The product source says that the vendor offers an unconditional 100% money back guarantee put provides no specifics about how this guarantee works.


 All 18 reviews contained in the product source were 5 star reviews, the highest rating. While little detail has been provided in the product source about ingredients or about product returns, given the low product cost compared to competing products a potential purchaser is not taking a costly risk to try this product at least once.
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Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength Review

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength is a joint health supplement based on glucosamine, chondroitin, and methylsufonylmethane (MSM), as the most important ingredients. These three compounds are known to promote joint function and to help relieve pain when they are aching. Unfortunately, as we age, we lose some of the cartilage sustaining the joints and their flexibility, and the liquid between them is also affected.
Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength seems to have all the necessary ingredients for a good product, so you can enjoy a life without constant joint pains. Let’s see together if this supplement is the most reliable you can find.

What Does Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength Contain?

The ingredients found in Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength seem to be carefully chosen, as they all play a part in maintaining your joints healthy and flexible. Here is the list of compounds:

  • Glucosamine HCI – 1500 mg
  • Vitamin C – 60 mg
  • Manganese – 2 mg
  • Joint Shield™ 5-Loxin® Advanced (Boswellia Serrata Extract) – 100 mg
  • Sodium – 30 mg
  • Chondroitin/MSM complex – 1,1 g (containing Chondroitin Sulfate, Methylsulfonylmethane, Collagen, Boswellia Serrata Extract, Boron, Hyaluronic Acid)

It is good to see that so many potent ingredients are included in this formula. Chondroitin, together with MSM and glucosamine make a powerful combination, and they support the joint function, while reducing pain and improving the quality of the synovial liquid. Also, the herbal extracts and the hyaluronic acid bring their contribution. All in all, this sounds like a great product.

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength Dosage

According to the label, you need to take two tablets daily, to see the best results. The manufacturer also recommends taking the supplement regularly.

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength Pricing

The listing price for Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength is 41.65USD for a bottle with 120 capsules. This sounds like a good deal, since one bottle lasts for two months.

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength Guarantee

There is no clear guarantee offered on the manufacturer’s website, so you may have to ask for a refund to a reseller, depending on their policy.


It is good to have glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM in the same formula for best effects for your joints. Also, hyaluronic acid and herbal extracts make for fine additions, which is why we appreciate Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength as being a good, reliable product. There are plenty of positive reviews from users, as well, so, the bottom line is that this particular joint health supplement is worth spending money on.
Click here to learn about our Top Joint Supplements.

Joint Advance Product Review

This is a review of Joint Advance, a joint care health supplement. Joints are two bones that meet in a socket. A joint is made of bones, cartilage, muscle, tissue and fluid.

Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge Review

Usually, a mix of ingredients is needed in order to provide results for any type of ailment you may suffer from. In case of joint health, there are several ingredients identified over the years as being helpful for combating strain on the joints, improving the naturally occurring fluid between them and repairing the cartilage. Products that focused on just one ingredient are rare, and one of them is Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge. Based solely on hyaluronic acid – one of the best ingredients to have included in any joint health formula – this product promises to improve your flexibility and make you feel better even when aging. Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge seems to be a simple solution for one problem (the degradation of the naturally occurring hyaluronic acid in the joints), but a closer look is needed to see if this product is a good choice or not.

What Does Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge Contain?

As mentioned earlier, having more efficient ingredients packed in the same formula can be very helpful. However, the manufacturer of Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge preferred using just one. The list for this product looks like this:

  • Hyaluronic Acid – 60 mg
  • Sugar Alcohols – less than 1 mg

As you can see, you will not find an elaborated formula in this product. Hyaluronic acid is a very good ingredient to have, as it is the one responsible for maintaining your joints flexible even as you age or subject yourself to strenuous activity. While this product may be helpful in regaining part of the lost hyaluronic acid in your joints, it may not be as effective as others.

Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge Dosage

The recommended dosage is one lozenge daily, dissolved in water, so you can easily swallow it. The product comes with berry flavor, to make it easier to take.

Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge Pricing

There are 60 lozenges in one container, and one bottle is priced at 39.99USD. Seeing that the lozenges in one bottle can last up to two months, we can say that the product is reasonably priced.

Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge Guarantee

We saw no guarantee offered on the manufacturer’s website, but you can order a sample to see if the product is good for you or not.


For a joint health supplement to work, certain ingredients are needed, such as glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. From an entire list of remedies with known effects on joint health, Hyalogic Joint Logic Lozenge contains just one, which does not place it among the most powerful products on the market. Nonetheless, because of its targeted action – to replenish the amount of hyaluronic acid in your joints – it can be an ally in your fight against joint aging.
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The Causes Of Joint Problems

What Causes Joint Problems?

Joint problems affect a lot of people, especially the elderly, but some types of joint conditions affect young people as well.  Joint problems can develop from aging, an unhealthy lifestyle, genetics, or injury.  Some people do not know they have this condition until it has worsened, because they have ignored the early signs and symptoms. It is a sad fact that most people think that only the elderly develop these conditions. Ultimately, they don’t care about gender and age and can affect anyone.

There are Different Types of Joint Conditions

Medicine has identified at least a hundred types of variants of joint conditions; some may still be unidentified at this time.  Even for the most common types there is currently no cure, and science has not clearly defined the core reason why they can develop or what definitively causes them to develop.
Joint problems can develop due to genetics where parents of the patient have the problem-carrying genes. Symptoms then appear as the person ages or even during the younger years. HLA-DR4 is the gene that triggers one of the more serious variants.
That is why if a family member suffered from a joint condition the probability of a person developing it increases as well. Nevertheless, age is still the major factor in the development of  joint issues.  According to studies a person may start feeling the effects of joint problems around the age of 50. As the body ages, the production of hormones and all other natural chemicals becomes unstable as it may increase or decrease causing the damage in the joints.

On the other hand, those who may have escaped the said natural changes in the body may still develop joint problems if they have had some physical injury to the joints that remained untreated through the years.

The Causes Of Joint ProblemsInfection including bacterial, viral or even an STD, can also cause the development of joint damage.  The body’s own defense against attack — the immune system — can cause the development of a joint condition.  The autoimmune condition damages the joints by destroying the healthy joint cells until every part of it breaks down beyond repair.

Do Not Ignore The Symptoms

The scary part about joint issues is that the signs and symptoms only manifest if the problem is already somewhat advanced, making it hard to avoid. Some people ignore the symptoms thinking that the uncomfortable sensation or pain in the joint is something else entirely.
Keep in mind that these are just few of the reasons for a person to experience joint problems that causes the painful and uncomfortable symptoms that may cause changes to the patient’s way of living.  Joint problems can definitely make daily tasks like moving around hard or even impossible to do because of the joint pain, hardening, and stiffening. While it is true that there is no cure for the more severe joint conditions, the good news is that the chances of contracting them can be avoided by keeping a healthy and active lifestyle.  But if a problem already exists, the best way to minimize the damage and the symptoms is to consult to a doctor or specialist as early as possible.

Purity Products HA Joint Formula Review

Purity Products HA Joint Formula is mainly based on the ingredient hyaluronic acid, known to play an important role in keeping joints healthy and flexible.
Also called the ‘molecule of youth’, hyaluronic acid is the main compound in collagen, and it acts like a gel that prevents bone caps from rubbing against one another and cause the well known joint pains. This is the winning formula this supplement uses to help you reduce pain in your joints, and help you lead a happier, more mobile life.
Let’s see together what other ingredients are used in this particular blend for healthier joints.

What Does Purity Products HA Joint Formula Contain?

The main goal of this product is to diminish the effect of aging on your joints. For this purpose, the manufacturer used the following ingredients:

  • BioCell Collagen® – this patented compound is based on Chondroitin Sulfate, Hyaluronic Acid and other proteoglycans, needed for making the ingredients easy to absorb.
  • Hidrox™ – this compound is specific for fighting aging, as it is a powerful antioxidant.
  • 5-Loxin® – this one is another ingredient that supports the production of collagen in the body, promoting joint health.

While the patented ingredients are quite impressive, and the use of hyaluronic acid is highly commendable, we cannot help but notice that there is no mentioning of glucosamine sulfate, which is the most powerful ingredient in joint health supplements that truly work. On the other hand, taking this formula can have other positive effects, such as better looking, younger skin and hair, which also benefit from the great effects of hyaluronic acid.

Purity Products HA Joint Formula Dosage

The recommended dosage for Purity Products HA Joint Formula is three capsules daily. Each bottle contains 90 capsule, or one month supply.

Purity Products HA Joint Formula Pricing

The price per bottle is 54.95USD, which is in the same price range with other similar products.

Purity Products HA Joint Formula Guarantee

The company making Purity Products HA Joint Formula offers a 60 day refund policy, but only for unused bottles. So, in the event that you are unhappy with the product after using it, you may not be able to get a refund. Getting in touch with the company is easy enough, as contact information is readily available.


Purity Products HA Joint Formula uses a particular blend for promoting joint health, and it seems that many consumers are enjoying its effects. However, it must be noted that the product does not seem to contain certain key ingredients for joint health, such as glucosamine sulfate.
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TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps Review

Cartilage loss is one of the main reasons why we start experiencing pain and inflammation in the joints, as we age. Certain ingredients, like glucosamine and chondroitin were clinically tested and found to be very effective in treating all the symptoms of painful joints. Also, these two important ingredients support the natural joint function for great results in improved flexibility and mobility. Useful for both seniors and people with active lifestyles, glucosamine and chondroitin are useful to have in any joint health supplement. TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps is a product mainly based on these two ingredients, so it can be very helpful in reducing the symptoms of ailments affecting the joints. Here is some additional info on the product you may be interested in.

What does TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps Contain?

Here is the list of ingredients for this particular joint health supplement:

  • Vitamin C – 500 mg
  • Vitamin E – 400 IU
  • Zinc – 15 mg
  • Selenium – 99 mcg
  • Glucosamine – 750 mg
  • Chondroitin Sulfate – 50 mg
  • Turmeric Root Extract – 351 mg
  • Quercetin Dihydrate – 50 mg
  • Bromelain – 100 mg

The most important ingredient in TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps is represented by glucosamine. The amount of glucosamine per serving is quite high, which is commendable, since this is, without a doubt, the most efficient ingredient needed for treating aching joints. Chondroitin is also helpful for promoting healthy joint function, and the herbal extracts are an added bonus, since they augment the action of the other ingredients.

TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps Dosage

The recommended dosage for TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps is six capsules daily, taken in two separate doses, in the morning and the evening, with food.

TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps Pricing

The price per one bottle with 120 capsules is 51.95USD. Since one serving counts as six pills, one bottle lasts for only 20 days.

TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps Guarantee

We saw no clear guarantee being offered on the manufacturer’s website. However, they offer contact details so you can talk to them about any issue you may encounter.


It is very important to have the right ingredients included in one formula, in order for this to work. It is a good thing that TwinLab Joint Fuel® Caps contains both glucosamine and chondroitin, but we would have liked to see MSM and hyaluronic acid also included, as these are also great contributors to your joints’ health.
Click here to learn about our Top Joint Supplements.

Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Review

Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Supplement is a joint health supplement product that combines the strength of the most powerful ingredients known and clinically tested for relieving pain in the joints and helping the cartilage repair. Delivered in liquid form, it is also said to be easily absorbed by the body, compared to pills and capsules. It must also be noted that the product enjoys a great number of positive reviews, which means that many people find it useful for treating their joint pains. A closer look to the ingredients will be helpful to make an informed choice when you want to pick up a health supplement for diminishing the pains and lack of flexibility in your joints.

Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Ingredients

Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Supplement contains all the powerful ingredients one would expect from a potent formula. The list contains the following compounds:

  • Glucosamine – 2000 mg
  • Chondroitin – 1200 mg
  • MSM – 500 mg
  • Hyaluronic Acid – 10 mg

These four ingredients are very effective in relieving joint pains and helping cartilage rebuild. Glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM were clinically tested, and especially the combination of the three leads to great results. Since Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Supplement also contains hyaluronic acid, necessary for improving the liquid present in the cartilage, we can safely say that this is a great product.


Since Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Supplement is delivered in liquid form, the recommended daily dosage is 1 oz.


A bottle with 34 servings has a listing price of 37.98USD and it lasts for about a month, so the product is decently priced.

Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Guarantee

No clear guarantee is offered on the manufacturer’s website, so you may have to rely on resellers and their refund policies. However, you can contact the company over the phone or using the online form offered on the official website.


Wellesse Glucosamine Chondroitin Liquid Supplement sounds like a great product, making it easy to take for those who are not crazy about taking pills. It has all the right ingredients, in important amounts, so it may work as intended, especially since there are plenty of people satisfied with the results. However, we notice that the product does not contain any herbal remedies, which is a drawback, since they could contribute to the healing effect.
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